My creative side...
I HAD A DREAM (MY Martin Luther King, Jr version)
Today, I say to you that I have a dream. I have a dream that one day that our society will be morally
straight. That the citizens of our great nation will once again draw on the strength of how our nation started. Our nation,
Our community, our society was formed as " One nation under God".
I have a dream that we could turn to each other in times of trouble, and volanteer when needed. Give
a helping hand, give a dollar, give an apple or even share your home. Being kind is a sign of true strength.
I have a dream today, I have a dream that we should live with respect to others. Our faith states "
Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them"......Matt7.12. Being courteous shows that you are aware of the feeleings
of others. Being friendly to all races and nations and all beeliefs. I believe that being kind, courteous, and friendly gives
a brighter side to life and hope for our future.
If america is to be a great nation we need to look first at our faith and be strong in it. "yes, All
kings shall fall down before him; All nations shall serve him... Palsm 72.116. second we need to look at our home, Loyalty
starts at home.
This is my dream it is important because we must follow the rules of our nation, Our nation was formed
by christian faith we were told " In God we trust, On nation under God invisible with liberty and justice for all". If we
are not trustworthy, loyal, helpfull,friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerfull, thrifty, clean and reverent. Then where
is our nation gone.
I have a dream that our government allows each of us to voice our concerns and act within the system
to make changes. The government wants us to follow their rules but the government needs to respect the first government, "
One nation under God."
On this page, I'll show off some of my own work. For example, I might include a short story I've written, or an essay I did
for a class that I'm especially proud of.
If I do visual arts such as painting or drawing, I might include some pictures
of my work on this page. For example, if I'm a photographer, I might include a photograph I've taken:
One Plus One Equals One
Verse 1] As children we swung on the swing sets at school and played games and learned
what one plus one equals.
Verse 2] We learned our A,B,C's and our 1,2,3's and how two colors become one like red
and yellow make orange.
Chorus] One plus one equals two, yhea,yhea, that's right ever since our eyes and heart,
body and soul met when we were four. We have been two. That's right you plus me equals two.
Chorus] One plus one equals two, yhea,yhea, that's right ever since our eyes and heart,
body and soul met when we were four. We have been two. That's right you plus me equals two.
Verse 3] Baby, time goes by as where having fun and growing up living thousand of miles
away. Keeps us apart
Verse 4 ] Going to school, learning that one plus one is still two, and that red and blue
makes purple.
Chorus] One plus one equals two, yhea,yhea, that's right ever since our eyes and heart,
body and soul met when we were four. We have been two. That's right you plus me equals two.
Verse 5] We reached those unforgettable teenage years but you're not forgettable I have
your pictures posted in my locker for all to see how you and me equal one.
Verse 6 ] The phone rings, you're on the other end thousand of miles away. Wow, just to
sit here and hear your voice. I think I can even hear you smile. me, I am checking out the pictures you sent to me via email.
Now just wondering when you and me become one.
Chorus] One plus one equals two, yhea,yhea, that's right ever since our eyes and heart,
body and soul met when we were four. We have been two. That's right you plus me equals two.
Chorus] One plus one equals two, yhea,yhea, that's right ever since our eyes and heart,
body and soul met when we were four. We have been two. That's right you plus me equals two.
Verse 7] One day our hopes and dreams will come true. Were you walk down the church isle
hand and with your dad and his shot gun. He's leading you straight to me. he gives a little smile to me as he hands your hand
to mine and the priest announces one plus one equal one. You may now kiss your best friend.
Chorus] One plus one equals two, yhea,yhea, that's right ever since our eyes and heart,
body and soul met when we were four. We have been two. That's right you plus me equals two.
Verse 8] Now we sit on the front porch of our own house swinging on a swing hand to hand.
Chorus] One plus one equals two, yhea,yhea, that's right ever since our eyes and heart,
body and soul met when we were four. We have been two. That's right you plus me equals two.
Dear. Senator Gordon Smith,
Hello My name is Jacob Wittren and I am 14 and an 8th grader at Ron Russell Middle School in Portland, Oregon. I am a Boyscout
and I am working on my Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. One of the requirements for this merit badge is to write a letter
to a senator representing my area and write about a concern about a national issue.
Well, My issue I would like to talk about is the health care, I think children under 18 years of age and elderly over 65
and anyone between age 18 and 65 that are single or married or handicapped should be able to get affordable healthcare. I
guess that would mean I think it should be law that health care be provided to everyone as long as they meet an income guide
line. then the people that are just over that guide line should be offered a secondary health care program.
Well, My family and I know an older couple 62 and 61 years old she just got kicked off of SSI because his social security
was a little over the limit so now both of them don't get health care, no food stamps and very little support from community
food boxes. They have no money for the medical bills or medicine if they need it. A lady down the street has a fixed income
she is 80 years old and raising her 12 year old grandson on her diseased husbands social security and her rent is $850.00
a month and she only receives around $1250.00 she doesn't get health care the boy does but she doesn't no food stamps, and
very little support from community food boxes. They have no money for the medical bills or medicine if they need it.
Then there's my Mom in year 2003 the year the state decided to cut back on the healthcare programs she had healthcare until
may 31st, 2003. on march 9th, 2003 my Mom had a stroke and open heart surgery and stayed in the hospital before and after
the surgery and had an another stay in the hospital and the heart doctors bills all added up to way over $450,000.00 we thank
God my Mom had insurance otherwise we would be very broke and meagerly in debt. My Mom is okay now but she still needs healthcare.
The state guide lines are so low that people making minim wage can't get on the health insurance. We know several older
people that pay $400.00 or more just on prescriptions and they have co-pays too. I talked about the lady down the street she
stopped all her meds and she has asthma and shes a diabetic and she has high blood pressure and her doctor wont let her back
in his office because she can't do the co-pays nor does she have insurance.
I just believe that the healthcare programs aren't fair there is no justice in any of these programs either your too poor
or your too rich for health care. What is it going to be like when I get married and have children? When I retire from my
career? What is it going to be like will I have health care provided for me through my job will i make too much will i have
to sell the family dog just to see the eye doctor? The rules suck oh I mean the state guide lines are not right.
As a senator what could you say about this?
I aNd my family know a married couple that got married a few years ago and then ayear after that they divorcEd and lived
different cities and now back together however each have a child of their own and got health care through the state and food
stamps and help in the communitee and now they have been back together for a year and they all 4 get state health care free
of charge and he get $293 and she gets $255 in food stamps they both have a full time job and they both get child support,
where did the state go wrong here??
signed, a concerned 8th grader
Jacob M. Wittren